
Categorized in "Press Releases"

News Brad Mc Avoy Wins Engineer of the Year BODY
MAY 6, 2015

Brad McAvoy named Engineer of the Year

Owen-Ames-Kimball Co. (O-A-K), local professional construction firm, announces Brad McAvoy, Director of Engineering Services, received the prestigious Engineer of the Year award from the Michigan Society of Professional Engineers (MSPE). Brad’s contributions to the engineering profession were honored at a luncheon on…

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News O A K earns three new construction projects in Southwest Michigan content
MARCH 24, 2015

Kalamazoo update: O-A-K earns three new construction projects in Southwest Michigan

Owen-Ames-Kimball Co. (O-A-K), local professional construction firm, has been hired to complete three new projects in Southwest Michigan. The firm has maintained a steady workflow since opening their Kalamazoo office in 2013. In line with the company’s business development strategy, the projects cover a broad range of…

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News O A K hires Steve Wilfong Alan Nugent and Kayla Cribley Content
JANUARY 22, 2015

O-A-K hires new Corporate Controller, Project Superintendent, and Receptionist

Owen-Ames-Kimball Co. (O-A-K), local professional construction firm, announces the additions of Steve Wilfong, Corporate Controller, Alan Nugent, Project Superintendent, and Kayla Cribley, Receptionist. As Corporate Controller, Steve (pictured left) will work closely with O-A-K’s Chief Financial Officer to oversee…

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News MSPE names two O A K executives to board positions BODY
NOVEMBER 24, 2014

MSPE names O-A-K executives to board positions

Owen-Ames-Kimball Co. (O-A-K), local professional construction firm, announces two of the firm’s executives are now serving as board members for the Michigan Society of Professional Engineers. Josh Szymanski, P.E., LEED AP (pictured left) - O-A-K’s Business Development Director – was elected to serve as President of…

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News ASAM honors O A K as MCOY BODY10
OCTOBER 28, 2014

ASAM Honors O-A-K as Michigan Contractor of the Year

The American Subcontractors Association of Michigan (ASAM) named Owen­‐Ames­‐Kimball the Michigan Contractor of the Year during its fifth annual MCOY Awards celebration held October 16 at Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park. Founded in 1891, Grand Rapids-­based Owen-­Ames‐Kimball (O­‐A­‐K) is the…

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media & marketing


Martemucci Rachael


Director of Programming & Marketing


Director of Programming & Marketing