
Categorized in "Video"

Thornton Walk Thru Juan Sr 00 00 04 21 Still001
NOVEMBER 30, 2023

Shooting Range Construction Tour

O‑A‑K Superintendent, Juan Martinez Sr., shares what goes into a high-profile project for law enforcement in the video below. Hear about how the floor, walls, and ceiling are specifically designed for this new and upcoming shooting range.

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01 GRR Final v1 00 00 07 01 Still002
NOVEMBER 22, 2023

Gerald R. Ford International Airport Construction Tour

If you travel over the holidays, you might notice some upgrades at Gerald R. Ford International Airport. In the video below, Project Superintendent Dave Lamb shares some of the projects O‑A‑K has recently completed.

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01 Byron Center v1 00 00 19 04 Still006
OCTOBER 18, 2023

Byron Center Public Schools Nickels Intermediate “Favorite Spaces”

Byron Center Public Schools recently opened their brand new 5/6 building, Nickels Intermediate. Hear from BCPS staff, administration, and students about their favorite features in the new building!

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01 Grandville Middle School v1 00 00 17 08 Still005
SEPTEMBER 12, 2023

Grandville Middle School Ribbon Cutting

"I think the most exciting thing is just the amount of space and the opportunity." Watch Grandville Public Schools invite the community to explore the brand-new Grandville Middle School and listen to insights from their administration about the positive impact the school brings.

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02 v1 00 00 53 06 Still015
AUGUST 28, 2023

On-site with Shane Crow

Meet Shane Crow, one of O‑A‑K's newest Project Superintendents. After spending the last 20 years in Arizona, Shane has moved back to Michigan and is currently on-site at Lakeview Elementary School.

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media & marketing


Martemucci Rachael


Director of Programming & Marketing


Director of Programming & Marketing