As updated information regarding COVID-19 continues to change, we are sharing O‑A‑K’s protocol regarding illness and illness prevention. The health of our employees and trade partners is very important. The Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) is providing the following information as it relates to the state’s Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) preparedness and response.
• All O‑A‑K staff and contractor partners must follow these guidelines:
• Contractors/Team members who have tested positive for COVID-19 must receive clearance from a physician before returning to work.
• Contractors/Team members who have been in personal contact with someone who tests positive to COVID-19 are required to be tested and must receive clearance from a physician before returning to work.
• Please report personal or family-related illness to an O‑A‑K field supervisor.
• All confirmed cases of COVID-19 will be communicated to the appropriate team members.
Because this is a fast-moving and ever-changing situation, we want to assure you that we will be diligent in monitoring updates and following official recommendations from the public health authorities.
For the latest information frequently visit: and